
Pulp and Paper Industry News

April 2022

Paper and cardboard recycling in Israel

The cardboard and paper waste collected in Israel includes:

  •  Cardboard packaging which manufactured and consumed in Israel.
  • Cardboard packaging that contained products manufactured and packaged abroad and shipped to Israel.
  • Writing and printing papers and newsprint consumed in Israel.

Increasing awareness and activity on environmental issues, sustainability and recycling, are global trends that are strengthening every year.
In Israel, too, there is a growing awareness of recycling in general and cardboard and paper waste recycling in particular.

According to the strategic plan for the treatment of waste, the target of the state is for waste (of any kind) recycling rates of 51% compared
to rates of about 25% today. (Source: Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistic and the Ministry of Environmental Protection).

The recycling rate of cardboard and paper waste in the world is high compared to waste recycling that comes from other materials.
In Israel, according to IBS data, paper and cardboard recycling has in recent years accounted for about 30% of all recycled waste. 

The rate of recycling paper and cardboard waste, out of the total amount of paper and cardboard consumed in Israel, is low in a global comparison.
The rate of recycling paper and cardboard waste in Israel is only about 30% out of the total consumed paper and cardboard , compared to 49% in China,
68% IN U.S.A, 72% in EU, and 63% in Australia, as we can see below:

Source: public annual reports for 2021 of Infinia LTD company.

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